Granby Somali Women’s Group (GSWG) was established in 1994 following the committed effort of several Somali women’s groups due to the raising influx of refugees from Somalia. The organisation’s main objective has always been to provide a safe environment for Somali women and children who have been forced to flee their own country due to the Civil War and the Famine. However, due to the large influx of BME Communities in Liverpool, the centre has now adapted its ethos with its open door policy and provides services to all women, children and families residing in the Princes Park Ward.
Granby Somali Women’s Group has also received three year funding for a project which will reduce the risk to girls and young women in the UK of undergoing genital mutilation in all its form. The project targets young women, families, parents, professionals, local schools, religious leaders, and community leaders, in order to change and challenge notions of FGM. The project will reach beneficiaries via holding group sessions, workshops, awareness consultations, open days, yearly events, and advisor group sessions. The funding for this special initiative comes from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, City Parochial Foundation and Rosa.